Planting grass in the spring
If you're in the triangle area, there's no way your annual rye lasted until
September unless you call brown stubble lawn. Your rye lasted until June at
best. Planting annual rye in the spring is a royal waste of resources and a
poor recommendation. If rye will germinate, so will most cool season
perennial grasses.
"brad heidinger" wrote in message
I suggest planting an annual rye. It grows quickly and greens nicely. The
drawback is that it is short lived. It worked wonders on some erosion
I had last year. I did some landscaping in the Spring and my regular grass
became ruined in a few spots from heavy foot traffic during the
construction. I
planted annual rye and bingo I had grass again. It croaked by the end of
September but at that point I was ready to Fall seed.
To establish the grass I added small amounts of starter fertilizer to the
Scratched up the soil and sowed the seed. Kept moist until established.
seed isn't cheap seed but it does work well. Expect to re-seed in the Fall
a more appropriate grass seed. Hope this helps.
Robert wrote:
I know that the fall is a better time to plant grass seed around here
but I
have a need to get some planted now in some spots I've dug up or added
topsoil to. Does anyone have any tips on planting grass now? Straw or no
straw? Ironite? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.