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Old 22-03-2004, 02:44 PM
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Default Suggest a vine that smells nice most of the year?

On Fri, 19 Mar 2004 08:38:29 GMT, (JJ) opined:

Hi all,

I have Lady Banks Roses, Halls Honeysuckle, Carolina Jasmine. They
are nice enough but I am looking for a vine that has a nice fragrance
for as many seasons as possible.

I'm figuring on planting on both sides of the house near big screen
doors and windows the breeze will carry it inside. I may just have
to make do with some Arabian Jasmine in planters.


How about a repeat bloomer Antique rose? I have 'Sombruiel' and it repeats if I
deadhead and has delicious scent. I believe 'Iceburg' is another which repeat
blooms all summer and throughout the year. It too is a climber. It comes as a
shrub, also.