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Old 18-03-2004, 01:26 PM
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Default Grevillea Honey Gem In Melbourne?

Hi Quark,

Thanks for the tip. Have to have a rethink as to where to put it...and
when. Backyard is totally empty at the moment, so no real protection. Not
sure as to whether to leave it in the pot till Spring (as you suggest) or
pot it out and hope for the best. If it carks it, then I know why!

Cheers, Cliff

"Quark" wrote in message
We've killed a couple of G. Honey Gems in Mel. You'll need to shelter it
from frosts eg plant near other shrubs or near a north facing brick wall.
Probably best to plant out in late spring and let it have the benefit of a
summer to grow and toughen up. Once it's well established it should be OK
if well drained and with the occasional summer watering.



"Cliff" wrote in message

Just planting out the backyard with natives, one of which is a Grevillea
Honey Gem. Family in Coff's Harbour have one, it looks fabulous. My

concern that having done some poking around, I've found a link on the
Burke's backyard site that says the Honey Gem is ideally suit from areas
North of Coff's...but will do okay in Sydney.

I was planning for it to be a bit of feature, but I'm now suspecting it

not thrive so well in Melbourne. What sort of success has anyone had in

Melbourne area?

Any feedback appreciated

Cheers, Cliff