Thread: Damned cats!!!
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Old 10-03-2004, 05:20 AM
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Default Damned cats!!!

"Bob Smith" wrote in message
Contrary to the modus operandi suggested on the FAQ, we seem to have many
cats at it in our garden (8-10 appeared overnight), and they are doing it

the grass,

I have a wheely bin full to the brim (literally) with cat s**t that the
neighbour's 3 cats deposit into my garden on their nightly visits. If only I
had the nerve to tip it all out onto their door step!!

My "cat-loving neighbours" go on holiday for a couple of weeks and leave
their 3 cats to fend for themselves, which means the cats spend their days
and nights roaming around my garden at their leisure.

The only things that slightly deters these cats are prickly twigs, sticks,
or pruned branches, which makes my garden look ugly and untidy. But yet
again today the cats have managed to find a tiny patch of bare earth to
leave their disgusting mess for me to discover. Now I remember why I
stopped growing vegetables.