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Old 05-03-2004, 10:47 PM
Steven Wachs
Posts: n/a
Default [IBC] Growing formal uprights styles in the ground

A method i know is to simply develop an upper branch so it grows upward. It
takes years to do it this way but you can get a nice crown this way. It
requires that you cut the top of your tree. First find a branch that can be
redirected to grow upward. This will develop into the crown and have a nice taper
for the tree development.
The branch should be on what would be the front of your tree. This will hide
any scars. .You can make the cut at the top angled so that the scar would be
on the back of the tree.
or I make the cut about an inch above the branch I am making into the
crown.I do that with maples and elms so that there is no die back below the branch
i want to develop.later on I cut the excess off. Now this method does require
substantial growth around the scar so that you can hide the point that new
branch is being developed and also hide the scar. Eventually new growth will
hide everything

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