Why would you need to bring in the azalea and trident maple?
On Long Island
I keep them out healed in with mulch in a location protected
from the wind.
Have not had any causualties in previous years.
Yeah, I could do that, but with these kinds of temps so rare
hereabouts, and the trees not acclimatized for sudden ups and
downs of temperature, I don't have an area where they can be
heeled in easily. Last weekend, temps went into the low 20s and
I had them under hay and they did fine.
It's just better to be safe than sorry -- or so I think.
I've lost tridents from sudden 18-degree temps.
Jim Lewis -
- Tallahassee, FL - Our life is
frittered away by detail . . . . Simplify! Simplify. -- Henry
David Thoreau - Walden
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