How many of you were astonished to read a 4page article on the
importance of the drainage layer in Bonsai Today 88? I thought
this one
was well and truly refuted.
Not in Japan, where tradition reigns.
And let's face it; the difference between layered soil and
homogenous soil is probably slight. We westerners don't like to
do all the extra sieving, so we develop a "scientific" rational
that allows us to not do it. And while the scientific rational
is legitimate, it prolly doesn't matter much unless you live in
an area like I do where wet-and-humid is the order of the day.
The "technique" that has boggled MY mind is in BT 89, where
someone recommends drilling a hole into the trunk and applying
fertilizers directly to the vascular system. (!!!) Pesticides,
too. (!!!!!!!!)
Can someone who is REALLY up on tree physiology comment?
Jim Lewis -
- Tallahassee, FL - Apples and
Oranges: A Demonstration -- Welcome to Hooterville! Population:
2000. Elevation: 3000. Established: 1850. TOTAL = 6850 -- Bob
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