"Dan" wrote in message
I would like to get started in Allotment gardening but i don't have
any experience at all, could you send any details, information or tips
on how to succeed at allotment gardening.
For a start you will need a good book on veg growing, and like others have
said, I can't recommend the monthly "Kitchen Garden" highly enough. Ask
questions on here 'cause there are lots of us with allotments (we have two)
and yet others that grow veg in their own backgardens.
You should rotate the veg so after setting aside one portion for permanent
soft fruit, divide the rest of the plot into 4 sections, a couple of poles
each side will do, these are for 1. Potatoes. 2. Brassicas. 3. Legumes,
onions and salad veg. 4. Root crops. These follow each other in that order
around you sections. You incorporate compost/manure before the spuds on each
You are getting into it at just the right time, just before the main
planting season, so you can get it dug over, or as much as you need, and get
your onion sets, shallots, garlic (best planted in October), early peas, in
Will send you something I wrote out for a local lady who was also in your
Good luck