Bob Hobden8/2/04 1:00
"Sacha" wrote in message after Janet Baraclough
My local garden centre says that nandina domestica will produce a good
show of red berries for Christmas. According to books, it only produce
berries after a very warm I'm wondering if urglers have
seen one with berries in the UK, and whereabouts?
Never seen any on ours.
If we get them to fruit in the outskirts of London I would have thought you
would also succeed where you are Sacha, can't imagine it's just summer heat
then, perhaps they like to be cross pollinated or their pollinator isn't
down your way. Must be more too it.
No idea, Bob. We'll keep a closer look out this year. We sell them, so
you'd think they'd cross pollinate but apparently not. There's also a very
mature one in the prop. house but that has no berries, either.
Interestingly, we saw hedges of them in California in autumn but those had
no berries, either.
South Devon
(remove the weeds to email me)