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Old 04-02-2004, 04:06 PM
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Default Gardening for Charity?

On 04 Feb 2004 11:51:30 GMT, (Bpyboy) wrote:

I heard something on the radio about a group called "Plant a Row" (i think?)
where gardeners plant extra stuff, then donate the extras to charity. Anyone
here involved with such a group?

It seems to me, that donating some tomatoes or potatoes will not ever be able
to get corrupted, like SO MUCH of cash donations do (tied up in administrative
BS, or just lifted outright).

I'm thinking of putting in an additional row and looking for some local drop
points for the veggies. seems like a good idea to me--i mean, my garden always
produces way more than i can use anyways!

It's called 'Plant a Row for the Hungry' and sponsored by
the Garden Writers Association of America.

I emailed them asking for the further information they offer
and they never replied, which was disappointing. I'll
probably try again - maybe they didn't receive my email.

But you don't need to be associated with this group: we
contributed veggies to our local Food Bank last year, and
will again this year (more, in fact, as I'm planting extra
this year specifically for this purpose).

There's a terrific dearth of fresh stuff given out at the
Food Bank, so any garden veggies are really welcomed.

A nice project (for someone else, my hands are full at the
moment): Someone could set up a website where
rec.gardens.edible posters could enter the types and amounts
of veggies donated (and maybe their state or province and
country) into a spreadsheet. The spreadsheet maintainer
could post a summary monthly or quarterly.

Pat Meadows

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