Gardening for Charity?
I heard something on the radio about a group called "Plant a Row" (i
where gardeners plant extra stuff, then donate the extras to charity.
here involved with such a group?
I used to do "plant a row" (the actual group), then I quit because of all
the extra work involved...paperwork with your "pledge" then you had to take
the stuff where they said, etc. Anyway, I still DO donate my extra stuff,
but now I just take it where I want. I am a WW member. One of the other
members works at a local homeless shelter. I take my extras to him and he
takes them from there...even provides me with a receipt for tax purposes.
Since I only go to meetings once per week, I sometimes have extra that I'm
not sure will make it that long. I'm sure y'all know how it is when stuff
all seems to come in at the same time! We have a "family services" office
that isn't too far from me. They operate the local food pantry. I'll take
my extra there. They are thrilled because they only have non-perishables so
this way they can give people fresh fruits and vegetables. They also
provide a receipt for tax purposes. One thing I found out...the ones here
do NOT accept home canned items. Just thought I should add that in case
anybody was wondering.