Tree cuttings
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30-01-2004, 09:32 PM
Jaques d'Alltrades
Posts: n/a
Tree cuttings
The message
(Marin) contains these words:
Hello. I'd like to take a cutting from a tree but it's not something
I've done before. The tree is one of those bushy thorny ones with dark
blue berries that grows near moorland. I have a few questions about
Do you mean sloes - blackthorn? Like a small plum, and very sour?
1) What is the best time of year to take a cutting?
If it is blackthorn, they sucker prolifically so rooted bits should be
easy to find.
2) Where on the tree would be the best place to take one?
Young wood which is growing - say, last year's growth.
3) Should I cut it off near the trunk or away from the trunk, next to
a bud perhaps?
4) Is it best to cut it off with a perpendicular cut or at an angle?
I wouldn't think it matters, though it pokes into the ground better if
cut at an angle...
I've read some previous posts which said that if it's done at the
right time of year then rooting hormone isn't necessary. Any advice is
You'll find many here who put no faith in rooting hormone at any time of
year. *IF* you mean blackthorn (or some small plum like a damson, or
bullace) it shouldn't be necessary, and this is a good time of year to
do the deed.
Presuming you're in the UK, of course.
Open the creaking gate to make a horrid.squeak, then lower the foobar.
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