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Old 19-01-2004, 08:57 PM
Posts: n/a
Default Roller Drums for tissue culture; a question of rotation speed

I will admit I know nothing about the subject, but common sense tells me 56
is too fast. How fast can they grow to warrant turning them 56 times (i.e.
every second) in order to reorient the growth??

I don't give a damn for a man that can only spell a word one way.
Mark Twain (1835 - 1910)

"Rob Halgren" schrieb im Newsbeitrag
Al wrote:

It seems to me that the spin would not need to be faster than a constant

or 3 rotations per minute which sounds about right if the goal is to keep
the tissue in the liquid media from orienting itself to gravity and light
direction. A rotation of 6 times a minute sounds fast to me and a top

of 56 rpm must be wrong for this purpose, but I don't know. Does anyone
reading this have any experience that could help me choose correctly?

Never used one for this purpose... If 'any experience' counts
seeing them in action, in the murky haze of aged memory, then I think
that 56 is right out. I seem to recall the drums moving at 2 or 3 rpm.
Hopefully somebody has better information than the fluff in my skull.


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1) There is always room for one more orchid
2) There is always room for two more orchids
2a. See rule 1
3) When one has insufficient credit to purchase
more orchids, obtain more credit

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