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Old 15-01-2004, 02:35 AM
Jaques d'Alltrades
Posts: n/a
Default Pyracantha Hedge

The message
from Nick Wagg contains these words:
Spider wrote:

You should also aim to shape your hedge so that it is wider at the bottom
than the top. This stops the top growth shading out growth at the hedge

I have heard this before but question the reasoning behind it.
Surely this would only make much difference when the sun is
directly overhead, which happens rarely in these Northern climes
and only for a short period of the year, for a short time each

Rarely? Never!

As for ambient light, well if it isn't directional how is the cutting
going to make much difference?

The reason for cutting hedges in a truncated prism shape is twofold: the
first is that it tends to resist strong winds better, and the second is
to afford birds a choice of different nesting conditions.

(According to the old Agricultural Research Council, anyway.)

Open the creaking gate to make a horrid.squeak, then lower the foobar.