Pyracantha Hedge
In article ,
"Sarah Dale" writes:
| Assuming you hedge is just needs thickening up - try the following
| 1) Shorten it to about 6 - 12 inches below your desired final height.
I did that with a privet hedge and regretted it. It didn't work.
The reason was that shortening a tall hedge to 6-12" below the
final height is likely to end up with a hedge that is thick in
the top 12" and has bare stems below. Most shrubs will shoot from
close to the cut end, and pyracantha and privet are two such.
I have since seen recommendations that suggest cutting SEVERELY
thin and spindly hedges back to 1/3 of their final height, or even
less. But, obviously, tbe optimal amount will depend on all of
the circumstances.
Nick Maclaren.