In article , Janet Tweedy
In article , Kay Easton
As I type this there is a robin sitting on the picture rail. It's quite
a large room, but no opening window. Door opens directly into the hall
and stairway.
How am I going to get the robin back outside?
How did yo get on with it in the end Kay?
Thanks to everyone for your help.
By the time I posted I'd already decided to let it stay in overnight
rather than chuck it out unto sub-zero temperatures.
Daft idea - by morning there was no sign of it ;-)
After I'd searched the room for half an hour, I finally spotted it
regarding me from just beside the radiator.
It then ducked under a low table with table cloth hanging to the floor
all around and various boxes underneath. It was very quiet and non
panicky and let me catch it by coming towards it with a fold of the
cloth and quietly putting my other hand over its back. So we took it
outside where it fluttered up into the hedge.
I don't have high hopes of it - I don't think it should have been that
easy to catch. But we've done our best by it.
Kay Easton
Edward's earthworm page: