Builders' sand for drainage?
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01-01-2004, 11:16 PM
Rusty Hinge
Posts: n/a
Builders' sand for drainage?
The message
(Nick Maclaren) contains these words:
If it was on the surface, yes. But there is a lot of salt underneath
Cheshire, that has not leached in millions of years. I could very
easily believe that many such deposits are mixtures of sand and salt,
and that there are places where salty sand is an accessible mineral
(and not near a current seashore).
I'll have to go salt prospecting next time I go to Wortham Ling. (About
ten miles away) According to my uncle, who had (probably) the oldest
house in Suffolk on the Ling, that was shore in Roman times, navigable
to there by longboats in the Viking era, though now the nearby River
Waveney isn't tidal to anywhere near there.
Open the creaking gate to make a horrid.squeak, then lower the foobar.
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