I got some hyacinth bulbs and a clay pot for Xmas and I need some advice
since it appears that my gardening experience is only good in the Canadian
Prairies. The only bulbs I have planted before now have been put in the
ground in September and come up in May.
Online gardening info
http://www.savvygardener.com/Feature...ing_bulbs.html says the bulbs
should be chilled 6-8 weeks before planting and kept cool and out of the
light til you see sprouts coming out of the soil. [Does that mean you'd have
to keep them in the fridge that long?]
Regardless, I'm not sure I can maintain the temperature conditions described
for forcing at the link above, and for the specified time period. I noticed
they are already sprouting. So, I'm wondering if I still need to chill them
and keep them in the dark -or - can I just put them in the pot on the patio,
cover them with soil, throw in a bit o' fertilizer and let 'em grow?
Please he'p me, Garden Gurus!