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Old 31-12-2003, 05:36 PM
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Default New Year - New Garden. Thoughts Appreciated

"Sacha" wrote in message
.. .

1. The instant herb garden project.

If there's *plenty* of drainage, I think it stands a good chance and it
sounds interesting, too.

I shall give it a go and let you know how it turns out. Will post some
photos when I find a good place on the web to put them....

2. The native hedge project.

Would Eleagnus 'do' with you - lovely scent on some of them? But in your
shoes, I'd wait one whole year and see what you have got and how it can be

I know you're supposed to wait a year in any new garden, but I'm not sure I
will be able to stop myself planting stuff anyway...

3. The anti-magnolia project

First question is - can you stick the whole lot in a pile and hose it off?

Not without digging up all the edging, some of which is cemented down -
might work for the rocks though.
put a few dabs of live yoghurt here
and there on each one to encourage the growth of the 'natural look'.

Like that idea - might try it if/when I scrub any of the paint off.
Personally, I'm
riveted by anyone who would paint stones with magnolia paint - and so MANY
of them........!

You should see the house..... (mind you magnolia works in a house!). Lovely
people but they were not gardeners! Still at least I have a blank canvas to
start with as far as most of the pants are concerned : )


Thanks for the ideas.



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