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Old 31-12-2003, 12:33 AM
Anne Lurie
Posts: n/a
Default glamis caste and charlotte...anyone have experience in SE?


I can't offer any answers to you, but I'm in Raleigh, NC also! (I saw
Heidi's subsequent post) And there are at least two more of us in rec.roses
(where *is* Shiva, anyway?).

I'm going out on a limb (as it were), but I'm guessing you may be new to NC,
as April is nearly summer here! I thought the best time to plant roses was
in January or February (not kidding); the J&P boxed roses appear in local
garden centers in February, if I'm not mistaken.

I have limited experience with roses, but I've been enamoured of Graham
Thomas ever since seeing pix on a photographers' website that I like. The
rose reminded me of something Martha Stewart might have created for a
wedding bouquet, by stuffing in extra petals!

BTW, Heidi, I'm in the *sandy* part of Raleigh -- if you like, we can do a
clay-for-sand exchange! (Even better if we can get someone else to dig it

Anne Lurie
Raleigh, NC

"Heidi" wrote in message
I may be delusional, but I'm trying to convince myself that spring is
just around the corner here in the US. It's almost January, and April
isn't that far off the beginning of the new year....

Without much to do in the garden, I have been researching all the plants
I want to buy this spring. I want to get one more rose bush this year.
I like the look of the English roses, but do not know much about them.
I grew three HT's this year, and managed to keep them alive. I have
been pleased with the HT's in terms of: size, number of buds, ability to
use as cut flowers, and strong scent.

I prefer yellow or white flowers, and have been looking into Charlotte
and Glamis Castle (David Austin). Does anyone have experience with
these? Will they grow like my shrub HT's? Do I need to support them?
Will they produce more/less blooms in general than a HT? More/less
disease resistant? Any other types of roses w/ a similar look that I
might consider? Forgive my rose ignorance here, but I think the double,
deep cup blooms look like peonies, and I love the look of peonies!--I'm
hoping to find a yellow or white peony looking rose with a heavy scent
that will be produce many blooms for cuttings and be as disease
resistant as you can hope a rose to be.

April, here I come!