Probably, like me, a "horticultural book." Bonsai books are terrible places in which to find reliable information about how plants grow -- and especially WHY.
Jim Lewis - - temporarily in Durham,. NC
It's true, but sadly, horticulture books are often frustrating for the bonsai grower, since they are written with mass-production in mind. You can find references on how to use chemicals to make plants shorter and bushier, but no one spends any time on "t
reeness", a concept for which we have Nick Lenz to thank. And horticulturists know a lot about drainage, and root production, and how roots are formed, but never spend a nano-second (er... a micro-tempus?) worrying about a good nebari.
You have to get your reverence from the masters and your facts from the horticulturists, and then you'll be fine.
Nina Shishkoff
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