Low Voltage Lighting
"Kevin Ashcroft" wrote in news:bricub$8cm$1
Apologies in advance of this is an inappropriate place
to post this question, however here I go.
I have recently purchased some low voltage lights from a DIY shop.
There are 6 lights linked by 15m of low voltage cable
which connects into a black transformer.
I have outside power sockets which this transformer plugs into,
however, the instructions tell you not to leave the transformer
outside. It should be inside the house or in a garden shed.
This is a pain as I have to disconnect and bring the transformer inside
everytime I am finished using it.
It seems crazy that lights purchased for outdoor use come with
a transformer which cannot sit outside.
Can you purchase transformers which will happily sit outside or
does anyone know of a small enclosure I could purchase, which the
transformer can sit inside quite happily and be protected?
Any help would be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I don't know what the regulations are in England, but to me it seems like
a bad idea to leave anything especially a bulky transformer plugged in
outside. The problem with enclosures is if your insulating it from the
elements, you're more likely than not trapping heat. Personally, I'd run
additional cable to meet the length and leave it plugged in in indoors
and not bother with the outside outlet or enclosure.
But you might have better luck asking some place like alt.home.repair or
the DIY shop where you purchased it.