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Old 14-12-2003, 07:33 PM
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Default Dendrobium formosa type

To me, those labled as "Formosan Types" are the Dendrobiums normally
refered to as nigro-hirsuites. I have had a few that range from about
1" (D. bellatulum) up to about 2' (D. Dawn Marie)in height. Without
doubt, there are some that grow taller. To be able to judge what the
likely height of a mature plant should be,you would need to know which
species or hybrid it is.

The growth pattern you describe may be due to the light source no
longer being above the tops of the plant. But, I have a D.
amethystoglossum (not a nigro-hirsuite) that insists on growing with
the top 1/3 of the plant arching over to the side. It's flowers are
arranged in pendent clusters and this allows the cluster to hang free
of the p.b. I strongly suspect that yours is reacting to the lack of
light above the tops.

Most people that have trouble reblooming Nobile types are usually not
providing the rest period they require. Many nigro-hirsuites also
require a winter rest period. Although usually not as severe as the
nobiles want.

Good luck with yours.

"Tamra Eastman" wrote in message .. .
I bought a formosa type dendrobium last year. I've had marginal luck with
the nobile type so thought I'd give this one a try. It bloomed for months
and was just gorgeous. This summer it sent out new canes. These have
already growth to be twice the height of the original ones. I have two
questions. Just how tall is this plant likely to get? The canes are
developing a twenty degree bend near the top. I have them under florescents
but the new canes no longer fit under them and are positioned to the side of
the bulbs. Are they searching for better light? Should I stake them to get
them to grow straight, or does it matter? (oops that's three questions).
