Compost pile and "treated wood"
I bought a flexible plastic compost bin at a local "Earth Day" affair five
years ago. The material is about 2mm and quite flexible. It came rolled up
but when you take off the tape, it forms a circle about five feet in
diameter three+ feet tall. There are holes punched along the two short ends
and stainless steel bolts and nuts came with it: just fasten the four little
bolts and you have the circle ready to go. The best part is when you want to
turn the pile: you can simply lift the lift the circle up and set it next to
the file. The pile generally keeps its shape and you just go at it with a
pitch fork and toss the stuff back into the now empty bin.
I don't know where to get this product and haven't really looked much. If
anyone knows a supplier, I would buy another one.
"Ignoramus15011" wrote in message
Can I make the walls for my compost pile from "green treated" or
"wolmanized" wood. Or would the wood leech dangerous chemicals into
the compost?