Thread: Buddleia
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Old 24-11-2003, 09:47 PM
Franz Heymann
Posts: n/a
Default Buddleia

"Philip" wrote in message
Last weekend I went to the Halfords/Homebase retail therapy location
at Shannon Corner (A3 near New Malden) nothing much of note in either

However the car park contained a type of Buddleia I have never seen
before. A cursory glance at some reference books indicates that this
may be a bit of a rarity or is some newly manufactured hybrid thingy?

The plant was as you would expect of a unkempt Buddleia, lots of
sticks and new growth, with signs that it had been hacked back
sometime earlier this year. Now to the interesting part - the flowers
were primrose yellow. This Buddleia carries the connical shaped
flower heads and not the ball/pom-pom type.

Anyway I have never seen a Buddleia bloom in anything but orange or a
shade or purple.

White Buddleias are quite common.

Thought this may be of slightly more interest to
some than an argument about Cannabis.
