Is it too late to plant bulbs?
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24-11-2003, 05:06 PM
Janet Baraclough
Posts: n/a
Is it too late to plant bulbs?
The message
ojunk (GoldDustRhiannon) contains these words:
Both my garden centre and B&Q have replaced their bulb sections with
Xmas junk.
I guess this means I've left it too late to put in some bulbs for spring
flowers? Grrrr.
Not at all. BITGOD, bulb catalogues came out at the proper time,
around September, and iirc the orders arrived up until the end of
November; there was none of this untimely rush to get them in the
Some years ago I got some late bargain sacks of daffodils which were
planted in the week before Christmas, and produced a great show,
slightly late.
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