Is it too late to plant bulbs?
Plant merrily away! The other are right - your bulbs will certainly make
it. I'm still seeing bulbs for sale locally, at half price. Wonderful!
However, if they've been sitting in a warm shop/your warm home, take care to
acclimatise them.
I've got so many bulbs in the ground now, that I pot mine up (still 100s at
a time!) and keep thim in my chilly mini-greenhouse until spring. Then,
when the existing planted bulbs perform, I can see where to plant out the
new bulbs for optimum effect.
I'm sure you can see that this would work perfectly for bulbs that need a
period of acclimatisation.
GoldDustRhiannon wrote in message
Both my garden centre and B&Q have replaced their bulb sections with Xmas
I guess this means I've left it too late to put in some bulbs for spring
flowers? Grrrr.