Whats the difference between a cultivar and a species?
Dirr on the subject:
"Definition: An assemblage of cultivated plants which is clearly
distinguished by any characters (morphological, physiological, cytological,
chemical, or others) and which when reproduced (sexually or asexually)
retains its distinguishing characteristic(s)... Cultivar includes seed
produced plants that are homogeneous for one or more characteristics. This
applies to woody and herbaceous plants."
cultivar: a cultivated variety.
cultivated: maintained by man.
"hermine stover" wrote in message
Liberty Hyde Baily says:
"CULTIVAR: a variety or race that has originated and persisten under
cultivation, not necessarily refereable to a botanical species, and
which is of botanical or taxonomic importance."
the word is made up. CULTI-(vate) VAR (iety)