should I buy bigger plants?
On Wed, 05 Nov 2003 10:50:25 -0600, Ben wrote:
All summer I have worked my ass off making a divided - and yes, I
installed barrier - bamboo garden.... minus the bamboo. Now I am
ready to begin planting. I was looking at a local nusery which has
sizes ranging from one gallon to field-dug specimens with a rootball 2
1/2 feet wide or more. The price difference is staggering, of course.
Since I am intalling at least ten varieties of bamboo and probably
more in the future, I am wondering if I should go for the expensive
plants rather than five gallon or smaller plants. Will I see much of
a difference in how fast the grove gets started? Or will a well cared
for five gallon potted plant be just as good?
we always advise folks to get the smaller plants since they cost less,
will eventuall be big plants, this happens pretty fast, and money is
usually a big factor. Unless you need instant landscaping, save
money, get more different kinds of bamboo instead of paying for the
big ones. they also cost more to transport and install. this is just
our advice....hermine