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Old 29-10-2003, 01:02 AM
Chet Hayes
Posts: n/a
Default end of season lawn question

"Bob" wrote in message news:3Pvnb.37116$275.73884@attbi_s53...
"The Commish" wrote in message
Also, when I do cut the grass that one
last time, how short should I cut it, and should I bag it or


A "lawn care expert" that I talked to when I had problems with
sod I had bought said to cut short in the winter to reduce
disease problems, and long in the summer to shade the soil. Of
course, I am in Seattle - a considerably different climate.


I apply my second fall fertilizer about this time every year here in
NJ. I keep mowing into Dec and my lawn is a deep green most of the
winter, only going a little off color in late Jan or Feb. In the
spring it greens up awesome.

One of my neighbors lawn already looks like crap. It's Zoysia, but
that's another story.