There HAS to be a twelve step program out there..................
"Janet Baraclough" wrote in message
Mad, you mentioned loripetalum in there somewhere?
Yes I did. 4-6 foot tall and 4-5 foot wide when mature. It IS a member of
the Witch Hazel family and blooms heavily when the azalea's bloom, and then
on and off sporatically. It says it benefits from partial shade, but I've
had people tell me theirs is fully exposed to sun. Mine is near the west
chain link fence tucked between the Diablo nine bark and the Wine and Roses
weigelia (hmmmmm you see a pattern of colors here???G) It's hardy to zone
seven. It likes rich humusy soil and kept moist until established. Pam
told me that mine might do better since we have more heat and it can get
woodier for me than it does in the Pacific Northwest. I just want it to
make it thru winter here for me. I LOVE those little string like blossoms!
And the burgandy round foliage is awesome. The shape is going to be
fantastic too, as it seems to have a character all it's own. If you have it
planted in a southern or western spot, I'd say mulch it this winter if you
think you're going to have a cold one.
Have you got any
advice? How big does it get, what kind of soil and location suits it?
I'd never seen one until very recently when a DIY "shed" put some out
in the plant section which often has cheap lots of doomed plants but you
know how it is, sometimes you just can't resist. It's got pretty purple
red leaves and the label pic shows little red spikey flowers like
hamamelis.It also says "requires some winter protection" .
if you think it's going to get really cold, why not put a couple of hay
bales around it like a straw cold frame? I know it's not hardy past the
cooler zone six. I had someone in North Carolina who has a zone 7 as well
to tell me theirs is doing fine, so hopefully I will be able to report this
next spring that it's healthy and leafing out for me!
I've planted it in a nooky sort of corner between two huge rocks, with
sun, but it could be moved. That actually sounds like you've given it a
warm micro climate. I'd leave it for now and see how it acts where you've
got it. I'll keep you posted if mine makes it thru winter or not. g
Isle of Arran Scotland.