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Old 25-10-2003, 01:12 PM
Kay Easton
Posts: n/a
Default Vine weevils and garden chafer larvae

In article , David W.E.
Roberts writes

A cynical word of caution :-)
I would recommend that anyone contemplating sending boxes of vine weevils to
the postal address first write (not email) to confirm that this is a genuine
Students sometimes have an unusual sense of humour :-)))

Not just students ;-)

Many years ago, so I'm told, one of the Keepers (big bosses) at the
Natural History Museum was a keen beekeeper and had a couple of hives on
the Museum roof. It was the delight of junior staff to parcel up any
bees they found around the museum into a matchbox and post them through
the internal post back to the Keeper.

Bees do not like being confined in a matchbox for 24 hours or so, and
are very cross when released :-)
Kay Easton

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