zucchini blossoms
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13-10-2003, 06:12 PM
Larry Blanchard
Posts: n/a
zucchini blossoms
In article ,
Judging by our experience with White Bush Scallop PattyPan
squash this summer (also Zone 5), they are very productive.
WARNING: the plant (ONE plant) got to be about 15 feet in
diameter. The thing was tremendous - reminiscent of 'Little
Shop of Horrors'. But it sure did have lots of squash.
Ouch! I've only got 3 4x4 foot beds and each of them have pole beans or
tomatoes along one or two sides. I'll have to pass on the squash that
ate Texas :-).
We've always grown either zucchini or yellow straight or crook neck. The
"cucumber" shape is the easiest for slicing, breading, and deep frying,
which is the way we like them best. Is the taste of the patty pan types
different, or just the shape?
Where ARE those Iraqi WMDs?
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