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Old 08-10-2003, 09:10 AM
Lyndon Thomas
Posts: n/a
Default Tomatillo (Physalis ixocarpa) verdict: worth considering

Hi Steve I live in south Wales.
In pots they are in the front garden that is south facing so very hot in
summer yes they take a lot of water.
I only planted one this year which i put in a flower bed again in the front
garden, this only had water when i put the sprinkler on the lawn.
No i dont feed them they grow ok without.

"Steve Harris" wrote in message
In article 3f829ee8.0@entanet,
RemoveXX to reply (Lyndon Thomas) wrote:

i have grown them for years in pots very easy to grow and always a
fair yeald of fruit.

Whereabouts are you? Are these pots on a sun-trap patio. Do you water
them lots?

This year i grew one in a border, it grew to about 5feet tall X 4foot
spread and smothered everything in its path

The largest of mine is that size but all the spread is off the ground. I
did read some advice about pinching out the top once it had got to 1'
tall to encourage bushiness but I didn't. Also, I've read that little
breeding effort has been put in so maybe it's a very variable plant? One
of mine is about 50% taller than other.

Do you feed yours?

Steve Harris - Cheltenham - Real address steve AT netservs DOT com