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Old 06-10-2003, 01:22 PM
Bry Bry is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2003
Posts: 51
Default growing fir cones and horse chestnut?

I've picked up a few fir cones and horse chestnut seeds recently.

The fir cone is from a botanical garden, and is from this really unusual rare tree, so I'm hoping it will grow. My only problem is, how do I go about growing it... I've never done this before, so my first idea was planting the whole thing in a pot, but I'd rather have some advice before I do this?

The horse chestnut is just a regular one and I'm sure I can simply plant this, but any advice on how to grow it would be welcome.

Oh, I just remembered. I also have found this vine which was a dark red colour with purple berrys! No idea what it was, but I got a few berrys and hope to grow some. Should I plant the whole berry or extract the seeds from it first?

Thanks in advance,