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Old 03-10-2003, 11:02 AM
Simon Avery
Posts: n/a
Default Something is taking bites out of the goldfish

"Rodney Pont" wrote:

Hello Rodney

Or Mink? Real problem around here, thanks to the ALF
releasing a load in the 70's. I would've thought they'd
simply make the fish disappear wholesale rather than in
pieces though.

RP Again there isn't really any damage such as these sort of
RP animals would cause. I saw a picture of a Dragonfly nymph
RP hanging onto a Stickleback many years ago and it looks like
RP this. These fish aren't big and my idea that one is
RP ambushing the fish and hanging on while it chews is constant

It's possible, but I wouldn't have thought particularly likely. More
some sort of bacterial thing, I'd have thought?

Had a bloody heron at my pond this morning. ++ungood.

Simon Avery, Dartmoor, UK Ý