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Old 21-09-2003, 08:13 AM
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Default Social Responsibility & Agribusiness

Martin Branson writes
Oz wrote:
I doubt that the corporate advocates of GMO are going to provide them
with a balanced education on the issue either, so how can they can
engage in an informed decision?

You find out as soon as you grow the crop, or more likely when a
neighbour does.

You find out about yield, under that year's growing conditions -
that's all.

You obviously aren't a farmer.
Yield is an important, but not the only, criteria for variety selection.
Indeed I rarely choose the highest yielding variety because they
frequently have a nasty failing elsewhere.

For rape in the UK, resistance to falling over before harvest is
probably more important than yield in many areas, for example.

What you don't find out is more important things like
whether the pesticide resistant gene can be transmitted to other,
unwanted plants.

Remember that genetic resistance to selective herbicides has been with
us since the very first modern sprays. So far I know of not a single
case of genes moving from one species to another and thus conferring
resistance. Do you?

There are a lot of unanswered questions, which is
precisely why GMO crops are so controversial, even in situations like
cotton where their suitability for eating is not an issue.

What unanswered questions are these?

If Monsanto's timing was responsible for a lost year of crops,
they should pay.

Generally so, if it's provable.

Right. If a group of third world farmers want to try to prove it in a
court of law, then they can collect. I don't see a fleet of American
contingency fee lawyers leaping to their defense. In any case, that
attitude is a far cry from the Monsanto Pledge, which CEO Hugh Grant
describes as "what we stand for as a company." Honesty, decency,
consistency and courage. It's an admirable creed, but it seems little
more than hot air when they are hiding behind a fleet of defense

So no difference to any other corporate then.
Hardly news.

This post is worth absolutely nothing and is probably fallacious.
Note: soon (maybe already) only posts via will be accepted.