Hi Gale,
I'm new to this group as I only dug my pond about 5 weeks ago, I'll
post some pictures when I get the time. My pond is about 10'x12' and
about 3' deep, it's fed by a waterfall and 35' stream. I've added some
plants and 7 golden rudd (from my brothers pond) and then 6 green
tench about a week later. Since I added the green tench I've only been
able to see 6 of the golden rudd! It only took a heron 4 weeks to find
the pond. It's basically a wild life pond and we've also been visited
by a fox and got the normal insect and bird life.
I've had the normal problems with green water, but it's not been that
bad and it cleared fairly quickly to crystal clear. Then I had to do
some more work which stirred the muck up that turned the water green,
but it's slowly clearing .
That the introduction over with regard to your original post you might
want to read the following links:
Munging and spam resources:
On Sat, 20 Sep 2003 11:00:33 -0400, "Gale Pearce"
Can anyone tell me where I have to go to disguise my email addy in this
newsgroup from the spam bots in the future in case this is where they got
it? I use OE & IE
Thanks - Gale :~)