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Old 20-09-2003, 04:42 PM
Ron Koyne
Posts: n/a
Default Social Responsibility & Agribusiness

You guys are overlooking the REAL problem. GMO is controversial
amongst folks in Europe and the United States. I doubt that most
people in the third world even understand the significance of the
issue, they are just responding to whatever NGOs are telling them. I
doubt that the corporate advocates of GMO are going to provide them
with a balanced education on the issue either, so how can they can
engage in an informed decision?

The reason Monsanto had so much trouble in Indonesia is that they
failed to adequately educate the public. The result was mistrust all
over. If Monsanto's timing was responsible for a lost year of crops,
they should pay. Failure to do this will not only taint their image in
Indonesia, but in other nations which may be considering GMO crops in
the future.