Thread: Leek damage
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Old 17-09-2003, 12:32 AM
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Default Leek damage

On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 23:09:47 +0100, "Bob Hobden"

~"Robert" wrote in message ...
~ The leeks have been severely damaged this year rather than slightly
~ mutilated. I believe it is some sort of moth that does the damage on the
~ foliage and leaves them looking like a burnt out firework. Never used to
~ happen. Does anyone know how to prevent it please?
~That's interesting Robert, where are you? The books, if they mention it at
~all, say Leek Moth is restricted to the South Coast but we have had it in
~the Staines area for years. What a mess it makes of the plants and they
~never fully recover.

Hmm I'd better keep a look out then: Staines isn't terribly far from the
Chilterns... ta for this warning. We don't have them... yet.

~I have found that "Polysect" does the trick but you have to ensure it gets
~down inside the centre of the plant where the caterpillars are. Derris Dust
~also worked but I found it needed more than one thorough application, and
~again, it must be dusted into the middle of the plant.
~If you are an organic grower just give up growing Leeks or cut the tops off
~level with the ground and burn them, the ones that survive will eventually
~grow back into small to medium plants.

Of course, depending on the size of the moth, you could use fleece or
enviromesh as a prevention.
says it's only 5-7mm long with a 12-15mm wingspan so normal netting which I
use for cabbage whites won't work, more's the pity. Looks like Enviromesh
(boo, hiss, as it's expensive) or recycled net curtains!

~Check your Onions in store too, look for woodworm like holes where the
~caterpillar emerged and then a tiny net like cocoon nearby. Those affected
~will not store well.
hmm hope they take a while to get up here.... this does not look nice.
~You will have this pest every year now I'm afraid. Welcome to the club.
Um. At this rate I'll have everything in the garden covered with some form
of netting by 2010.


Don't part with your illusions. When they are gone,
you may still exist but you have ceased to live.
Mark Twain

Please remove onmaps from replies, thanks!