Snakes in the Garden
On Tue, 09 Sep 2003 08:28:37 GMT, "Shell91"
What do you do about snakes in the garden? Especially when they could be
one of 4 poisonous kind and at least 1 protected kind?
My problem is the babies get into the house. I'm not sure how they do it
but they show up inside, usually far from any door or window. I also get
geckos and anoles inside but they don't bother me near as much.
Is this maybe a case for Your Local Extension Service? I was about to
post something on the rarity of truly dangerous snakes in the US, but
it sounds as if you live one of the few areas that has 'em. All I know
about is *attracting* small beneficial garden snakes with wood/twig
piles. I suppose (newsgroup speculation) one thing to do would be to
find out what sort of habitat they *like* and get rid of it.
Particularly close to your house.