Horse manure again
"Mike Lyle" wrote in message
"Seven" wrote in message
I work in a egg producing farm, and I am sure my boss would let me have
of the chicken shit home if I wanted, but what would I do with it?
Does anything need to be done before spreading it? And what time of
should I be doing it?
At all costs, compost it thoroughly before spreading: this applies
even more strongly to chicken shit, which will kill plants. If
possible, heap it with general garden waste in the usual compost-heap
way. If you haven't got that much plant material, I'd say heap the
dung and cover it until you've got enough.
On a bare allotment plot you can pile on what you like at this time of year
You can put horse manure on your garden beds from October but not round very
tender leaf stuff as it could be too much
Its great for roses and round fruit bushes,canes etc