Bruce Berger wrote:
I purchased a Mosquito Magnet Pro in December of 2001 and placed it in
service the following April. We had very good results with the unit
but this spring and summer did not. The suction fan either turns too
slowly to generate suction, or now the unit will not stay on.
The folks at American Biophysics say we have to buy a repair unit for
~$280 because the original unit does not have the purge setup that the
newer ones do. And to top it off, there's a 6 week backorder.
We have to buy the repair because technically we're out of warranty,
but I say we've only used the unit for a total of 4 months before it
broke. We're located in northern Massachusetts.
It's interesting to note that the manufacturer is offering a 2 year
warranty on the new units.
I hear that others are having similar problems, and I'd like to hear
from you. Perhaps if enough folks are unhappy with the warranty and
repair policies of American Biophysics we could pressure them as a
group to treat us better.
To spend $1200 for a unit that they advertise as a pro model, with
stainless steel and all that, and then have to spend ~$280 for a
repair after just one season seems very unreaosnable to me. What about
Post you thoughts here, or send an email to mmagnet-repair - at -
Bruce Berger
Chelmsford, MA
One possible approach is to write the president of the firm
directly and outline how you feel that you have been taken. Ask
if this is the reputation s/he wants for the company. It may not
work, but it just might.
Chris Owens
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