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Old 03-09-2003, 01:05 AM
Jade Blackbourne
Posts: n/a
Default Responsible pet ownership (was nancy' pet)

I've got nothing against cats... just irresponsible cat owners.
People who think : 1 It's ok to let your cat out at night.
2 It's ok to let your cat out when you are not
3 It's ok to let your cat wander into other
peoples yards, harras their pets, and shit in their gardens.
4 Desexing is cruel (it seems that male owners
are less likely to want their dogs nads lopped off).

I am also against irresponsible dog owners.
In rural areas - Dont lock their dog up at night. (on a chain, or secure
In city areas - Dont ensure that their dog is secure and under control at
all times.
And in both cases, people who think that it's their dogs god given right to
roam the streets during spring, and that every bitch should have a litter to
'bring out their maternal side'. What a load of shit.

Stupid friggin dog down the road keeps coming to try and raid the cat
food.... We bought a large plastic garden bin, and the dog ate the handles
Then we started putting kitty litter on top of the bin to weigh the lid
down, and the handles wouldnt lock it shut anymore. The food is all shut
under our garage. Dog must either be bored or half starved, it's hard to
tell at TWO OR THREE IN THE MORNING. Neither does one much care, when
they've been woken by LOUD noises under the house.
We took to the dog with a sling shot.

The cat up the road comes and harasses my cat while hes sunning himself in
our front yard. I dont want my cat catching something because the neighbours
allow their cat to roam when they arent at home to keep an eye on his

Bloody hell.

If you cant look after it so that it doesnt infringe on others, DONT GET IT

Just a vent,