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Old 29-08-2003, 01:33 AM
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Default Not terribly impressed with glyphosate, but not a total waste of time

"ken cohen" wrote in message
Having decided to hand-dig my allotment instead of having it
rotivated, I was interested to discover that 3 hefty treatments of
glysophate, spread over about 6 weeks, have left absolutely loads of
live roots which I have to remove individually. On the other hand,
the glyosophate presumably reduced the vitality of the roots because
the visible above-ground part of the weeds was much reduced.

Ken Cohen

But if enough of the Glyphosate has been translocated from the above ground
parts to the roots so that it will inhibit the target enzyme - one involved
with the production of cyclic amino acids iirc (some time since I studied
this) then the roots won't be viable, live yes but useless at being
productive. I think you will have to wait and see.


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