Thread: Still green....
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Old 28-08-2003, 04:42 PM
Sam Hopkins
Posts: n/a
Default Still green....

Cathy is your water green or is floating algae you problem?

I'd recommend two things:

Clean out as much algae/debris you can. Stop feeding your fish for 2 weeks.
See if you see an improvement.

If your water is green get a UV filter. They're expensive but once you have
one you will not know how you lived without one. I know I can't live without


"Szpond" wrote in message
I've written for suggestions before, and have tried them all...but, I

have a nasty, green pond. I had clear water for 1 week since spring. I'm
really discouraged and do not know what to do. I had that "floating"

algae for
over a month, that has stopped, but I still can't see my fish. Plenty of
plants, although they are not doing half as well as they did last year.
Bio-filter (85 gallon) which is just full of green, gummy, slimy crap
constantly. I think I might be defeating my own purpose - have been

out filter and media weekly - it gets that gummed up. Last year we only
cleaned once.

History: 2nd summer for pond.
SIze 14'x12'
Gallons: appx. 4200
Depth: 2 1/2 - 4' deep
Fish 3 koi 6-7"
2 koi 3"
Baby comets (maybe 40) from last year - (their mommies eaten

the heron)
Waterfall and spitter
Full sun
Thanks for any ideas, suggestions. I didn't want to add chemicals to the

but I'm ready too now. What works? I have been using BZT, no help, no

Thanks, Cathy