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Old 28-08-2003, 01:12 PM
Peter H
Posts: n/a
Default Help! Brown lawn. Too short, Too long, Too much water or Too little water????

"Lasher" wrote in message
I water twice a day, once in morning and once about 5 or 6pm , no later

that. It is ok to water in the evening as long as it is daylight for a
couple hours before night time. This hole watering once or twice a week
thing is for the birds. I tried that one inch of water per week and my

was the worst in the neighborhood . So I went back to twice a day at
30minutes each time and my lawn should now be in a magazine. It looks

and we are even getting pretty hot temps with no rain. That is the way

works for me. You will get a higher water bill, but there are generally

three months that I have to water that often, so it is worth it to keep my
lawn looking good.


Before you start offering this advise to others I suggest you give your lawn
a couple of years of this regime Lasher. I was in the turf management
business for over 10 years and met a few people like you every spring. The
most common intro was, " this used to be the greenest lawn on the street".
By the time they called me there was little hope for their turf.

Peter H