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Old 28-08-2003, 08:12 AM
k conover
Posts: n/a
Default bought house with koi (1) pond..long, sorry

I think the quarantining (whatever that is, and I'm sure I'll learn about
it) would be pretty difficult for me right now...
"K30a" wrote in message
Ingrid wrote she needs to quarantine the new fish. at least a month.

I know that is optimum but this is a gal with a fixer up house and lots of

to do. She knows hardly anything about her pond and has a lot to learn. I

she can spend the time and money to set up a quarantine tank.To me

a new fish is Ponder 202
and this is basic ponding we're after.
I bet most of us have never quarantined a new fish and never lost a fish
(raising hand).
That is why I stressed a good pet store, not a feeder fish from PetsMart.

Anyway Kristen, if it would break your heart to lose the existing fish,

add another, even though I'm betting it would be just fine. There is water
gardening and then there is fish keeping, which don't always get along ;-)

and the watergardening labradors