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Old 26-08-2003, 01:42 PM
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Default Help! Brown lawn. Too short, Too long, Too much water or Too little water????

"GamePlayer No. 1058" wrote:
Heres what Im finding is working for me, I live in So. Calif, and our
days are getting up to or have been 85 to 109f recently and my lawn
started to turn brown, but *ONLY* in areas that got full sun from sunup
to about 5pm (the other areas of my lawn are shaded by my house from
about 1 or 2 in the afternoon), and what I found was that it just wasnt
getting enough water, I started hand watering those brown areas and it
came back like it should, it's not perfect yet, but it's coming back

As far as a watering schedule, I generally get up 20 minutes earlier in
the AM and turn on the sprinklers, then 20 minutes later I turn them off,
then I turn them on again once the sun is completely off the lawn for
about 10 to 20 minutes. I've tried the whole 1 inche of water per week
general rule, and watered enough once per week to provide even coverage
of 1 inch of water as measured in a tuna can, but that just wasnt working
for my lawn and my area, I find that watering every day (though I
sometimes skip a day) is the trick to a nice thick lush lawn, though it
does cost me more per month in water bills, but not much, maybe an extra

What you are seeing is the lowering of your soil temperature. This
is another benefit of irrigation.

GO #40