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Old 26-08-2003, 12:46 PM
Peter H
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Default Help! Brown lawn. Too short, Too long, Too much water or Too little water????

"Brad and Julie Vaughn" wrote in message
I have a lawn that was put in last October as sod. I live in St.
Louis, MO and it has been sunny dry and 90-100 for the last couple
weeks. My lawn is starting to turn brown It is in full sun from
6:00am to 5:00pm. I don't know whether I should cut it once a week as
usual or let it go for a little extra to get a bit longer. Will this
protect it more from the sun? Also, should I water every day since it
is hot and dry or should I do it every few days? Likewise I can't
water early morning due to work other than the weekends. Should I
water in direct sun, at dusk or at night? Thanks for your help.
Brad Vaughn

Don't know what type of grass you are growing there, but as a general rule
lawns are a spring and fall thing. In the heat of the summer your lawn will
want to go dormant and the best thing for it is to let it do this. Just make
certain that you don't have an insect infestation.

Peter H